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Not Your Ordinary News Crew offers you experienced documentary camera crews wherever you need one, with state-of-the-art equipment for standard or high defintion. Our home bases are Munich, Germany, and Edinburgh, Scotland. Munich is a major airline hub that easily gets us anywhere.

As for the gear, we're pretty flexible: We own a lot of basic equipment and accessories, but when it comes to the actual cameras, our clients' requirements for formats are very diverse. In close collaboration with our key suppliers, we can get you great deals on any format you need: from DV to Digital Betacam, from P2 to XDCAM HD.

Avid Editing System

We run an in-house editing system equipped with an Avid Media Composer. Most importantly, the room is silent and has a large window. Everything that makes noise stays in a rack just outside the room. These are features that many editing places lack.

Our Avid comes with two 19" flat-screen TFTs computer displays and a 20" Sony PVM component video monitor. Our player feeds all Betacam formats into the system (SP, SX, IMX, Digital Betacam). There's more than six Terabytes of hard disk storage (and counting).

Cinematography by Ben Kempas

Ben has been specialising in documentaries for 15 years. He is a graduate of the prestigious University of Television and Film in Munich (HFF) where he studied documentary film and TV journalism.

The Sunday Herald in Glasgow wrote about his work as Director of Photography: "Benjamin Kempas lets his lens linger longer than some might like, giving us some fine moments of comedy."

For a documentary series by Bewegte Zeiten and KiKa, he recently spent two months on a tall ship, filming a transatlantic sailing trip by 30 teenagers. As DoP of a year-long shoot for MASTER CLASS OPERA by Preview Production and Bayerischer Rundfunk, Ben followed young singers hoping to become tomorrow's opera stars. For Xframe and Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg, he reconstructed the life of Michael Gartenschläger in Alex Dittner's GEGEN DIE GRENZE.

Over a two-year period, Ben shot one of his own documentaries, UPSTREAM BATTLE, produced by Preview Production together with ARTE and BR, When this award-winning film had its North American premiere in Toronto, Eye Weekly praised Ben's "clarion cinematography".

> Ben's Filmography at Crew United
> Facebook photo albums of recent shoots

in Recent Years

ARTE G.E.I.E, France

Bewegte Zeiten (ARD, ZDF, KiKa)

BNTV, UK (BBC World)

Channel 2, Israel

Discovery Channel, Canada

Elsash, Israel (APTN)

Gary Hustwit, USA

Granada Television, UK (History Channel)

herbX (Michael "Bully" Herbig)

Kaliber35 (MTV, edel music)

Mediaset, Italy (RTI)

Megaherz (BR, 3sat)

Middle East News, Dubai (Al Arabiya)

Preview Production (ARD, ZDF, ARTE, BR, 3sat, ProSieben, Kabel 1, DMAX)

RAI DUE, Italy

RDF Media, UK (Channel 4)

RTP, Portugal

Südkino (Servus TV, Austria)

Towers Productions, USA (History Channel)

Visual Bridges (ARD)

Xframe (RBB)

YLE, Finland