Website Disclaimer
By using our website, you accept this disclaimer. If you disagree with any part, do not use our website.
©2008-2011 Benjamin Kempas
We actually designed the whole website ourselves, so we really hope you like it. And we hope that you respect our intellectual property, including the logo, text, the pictures, the film clips, and the design.
Don't republish, sell, or otherwise exploit matierial from this website (including republication on another website) or store material from this website in any public or private electronic retrieval system (other than for caching purposes). If you are interested in using any of our work for your own purposes, commercially or not, please contact us first.
Liability and links
This website is provided free-of-charge, and we do our best to make sure that all information is correct. However, we can't guarantee that it's complete, accurate, always available, or kept up-to-date. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions, and we're not liable for any loss or damage arising in connection with our website.
This site includes links to other websites. These are suggestions for further reading, and by no means endorsements of the contents of those other sites. We cannot accept responsibility for the contents of domains other than,,,,,, and as published by ourselves.
The D-Word
Promotion of The D-Word is an integral part of our website. The D-Word is based on a website of its founder, Doug Block in New York. Benjamin Kempas acts as co-host of The D-Word.
Users who post on The D-Word website own their words. The postings express the views of their respective authors, not of the co-hosts. Due to the open nature of the forum, the co-hosts cannot be held responsible for any violations of copyright or other laws by the users.
Trade or service marks
Any product and company names mentioned on this site, such as Avid, Facebook, etc are most likely trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
Revision and jurisdiction
We may revise this disclaimer in the future. Please revisit this page regularly.
This notice shall be goverened by German law, and any disputes relating to this notice shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Germany.
If parts of this notice are considered illegal or incorrect, the validity of the other parts will remain intact.